Welcome to the 6-Week Sales Accelerator Strategy Sessions

This is your personal simple dashboard where it all is kept in order for you!  The weekly replays and strategy sessions will be here.

We also have the Voxer group chat for ideas and brainstorming. Don’t be shy. For your benefit and the benefit of others, be active on the calls if you have questions or something to contribute. Be a giver as well as ask whatever questions you have no matter how big, small, or personal. I assure you, you are not the only one.

I am here with you every step of the way. Reach out if you need anything.

Our meeting dates:

12:30 pm – 2:00 pm ET

Apr 24,

May 1,8,15,22,29

Voxer Group App 

Let’s Get Ready

Video One: Welcome

Video 2: If this doesn’t work for you, what might be the reasons why?

Video Three: Why #'s and strategy matter

*This video was pulled from my Retailer’s Inner Circle training, the “next” video I mention about the $’s is below in resources if you have not done your math in awhile or want more explanation.  (so you understand when I say over the next few months etc) 😉

Additional Information:

PDF copy of the Sales Funnel can be found here. 

Where is your money going? How much do you need to make for PROFITS and PAY really?

 If you would like to work on your #s and understand where your money is going, here is a replay of a strategy session you may find very helpful if you have not watched it before. Industry norms, what percentage is going where from your income etc:  Find the video HERE


6 week sales accelerator with Wendy Batten

Week 1 – Assess Where You Are

Week 1: Live Replay

Additional Information:

Week one prompts and assignments can be found here.  Thi is a fun exercise! 


Want a copy of the Retail Marketing Funnel? Grab it here. 


6 week sales accelerator with Wendy Batten

Week 2 – Visibility and Awareness 

Week 2: Live Replay

Additional Information:

Assignment : PDF version and breakdown and ideas for the 5 visbility strategies can be found here. 

  1. Clear ICA defined 
  2. Does your brand match your ICA/ do your forward-facing assets? 
  3. Current audience size (actuals and last 30-day engagement on all social fronts)
  4. Using the 5 strategy areas to pay attention to:

In the next 90 days, brainstorm what could you do.

What WILL you do? Exactly?

The 5 strategies to consider for audience growth:

  1. Physical visibility attracts new customers.
  2. Being findable when searched/ranking higher on the interweb (off social media)
  3. Paid $$ opportunities
  4. Intentional word of mouth from existing customers AND your network
  5. Actively setting up moments of opportunity 


6 week sales accelerator with Wendy Batten

Week 3 – Engage and Nurture Plan 

Week 3: Live Replay

Additional Information:

Recap and assignment HERE on this PDF: https://wendybatten.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Week-3-Assignment-and-notes-.pdf


Just the simple assignment:

1. What exactly will you do to engage your customers in the next 90 days?

2. What is your current foot traffic (and/or online traffic #)? Start counting now, track daily if possible

3. What exactly will you do to nurture your clients in the next 90 days?

4. What is your current conversion rate? (If you know it, or start paying attention. #people that purchase from the #of people that come in.


A copy of the promotions/ideas – this is a living document for you to continue to add items to. https://wendybatten.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Copy-of-IC-Special-Occasion_Micro-Events-2.pdf



6 week sales accelerator with Wendy Batten

Week 4 – Making Sales 

Week 4: Live Replay

Additional Information:


1. What is your average order value (over some time – can compare to last year if that makes more sense to your market)

2. Of the 6 strategic areas available to increase your sales and change your average sales order that we covered, what strategies/tools do you need/want to put into place over the next 90 days.

3. What things WILL  you need to put in place to ensure your team understands sales/get training


PDF of the 6 areas to pay attention to: https://wendybatten.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/SA-Week-4-Assignment-.pdf

Rough “back of the napkin” calculator to visually see how the numbers matter: (this is a Google Sheet) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nJIYODl45G9RQ9_CzO6oCOCvcg2zdwJXUAfw9bhoh0s/copy

6 week sales accelerator with Wendy Batten

Week 5 – Wow and Delight

Week 5: Live Replay

Additional Information:


1. What is your current Return Customer Return Purchaser Rate?

2. What will you put in place to intentionally wow and delight over the next 90 days?

3. Review the 3-5 words you wrote down in week one on how you wanted your customers to feel after experiencing your brand and make sure you are continuing that FEELING as you wow and delight.

6 week sales accelerator with Wendy Batten

Week 6 – Pulling it all together

Week 6: Live Replay


Document: CEO Date


Document: Funnel and Promotional Calendar

Additional Information:

Resources – some reference documents for you, including CEO Date, promotional calendar

If you are an Inner Circle member: Resources to help you with specifics, are in the Retailer’s Inner Circle: Shop Standards, Selling Series, Pricing Masterclass, Google Best Practices, Website audit, and full Foot Traffic Made Simple masterclass, 90 day planning series and the monthly PLAYBOOK.

Ask questions in the group, join the Inner Circle monthly Q&A Roundtables, and don’t stay stuck!

Thank you for joining us, YOU are a rockstar!


Additional Resources:

PDF copy of the Sales Funnel ccan be found here. 

Where is your money going? How much do you need to make for PROFITS and PAY really?

 If you would like to work on your #s and understand where your money is going, here is a replay of a strategy session you may find very helpful if you have not watched it before. Industry norms, what percentage is going where from your income etc:  Find the video HERE

© Wendy Batten 2023.  All Rights Reserved.

© Wendy Batten 2023.  All Rights Reserved.

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