So excited to go live with Money Coach and Profits First expert April Stroink. April shares the principals behind the Profits First system and how shifting our mindset helps. It is something I wish I started years ago, most especially with my retail business. 100% worth what seems like an effort up front to start it.
We have implemented this in 2 of our businesses and it’s like a wave of ease has come over us and for the first time in 30 years of running businesses my hubby is 100% involved in the day to day expenses and you will find us high-fiving when we save money or get a good deal.
If you have ever heard me coach about money before- I always say EVERY % COUNTS, increase your profit margin by just 1% or decrease an expense 1% that is 2% MONEY FOR YOU!
I’m tired of seeing entrepreneurs not pay themselves a living wage and working SO HARD, so I really wanted you to meet April.
YOU DO NOT NEED TO TAKE HER COURSE or HIRE HER, you can do it alone, following the book and there are TONS of resources on this site too:
I encourage you to read (or listen) to the book if you are curious about this way of running your businesses.
The 5 bank accounts is no big deal, I thought it would be – its not.
Even my bookkeeper is like “ya, no problem” it’s just a wee bit of work up front.
Tell me what you thought of this session- I really want to know!