If you want to get press coverage for your creative retail business over the holidays, I have one major tip:
Start Now!
I know you are tired of me harping that the holidays are coming, but it’s time to start thinking about how you can attract the attention of ideal clients into your business via your local press. It’s time to put simple plans in place NOW to build your brand’s attention. This will help you stand out ahead of your competition. Awesome, right?
No matter the size of your store, big or small, you can get press coverage for your business.
Start with these 3 steps to get the attention of the press.
Firstly, list out all the local publications, TV stations, local papers and local gift guides etc, that your ideal customer may follow/read, don’t forget local radio stations and community bloggers. Think about where your ideal customers may be hanging out and what they are reading, watching, and listening to.
Secondly, build relationships with your press contacts by connecting and reaching out on social media. Like and comment and show interest in them, be authentic and genuine. Bonus points for doing this all year long. The better relationships you have with people and land in the press, the easier it’s going to be to get featured.
Lastly, send out press releases. Say what?? YES! For real. You can totally do a press release. It instantly gives you credibility.
Your press release is simple, it’s not a SALES pitch or ad, it’s something new coming up, or a new event you want to promote, etc. that may be happening in your business. Grand opening, new product line, special guest visitor, free paint demo, girl’s night out or event collaboration with other vendors, etc. You will be shocked at what happens on slow news days or who will pick up your press release and be inspired to run with a story.
Many local publications are LOOKING for events and news to fill their pages and/or airways etc.
Get specific about what you have to offer and why it’s great for their readers! Help them visualize that, don’t make them dig on your website to find pictures of the pieces or events you’re talking about. Do the work for them because those are the most competitive stories.
Using this simple press release tactic, we’ve been able to get at least a dozen reporters to show up at events, magazines to call us to do interviews, and gave interviews on local TV and radio shows. We’ve even been invited to participate in local events because of our press releases.
All of this press puts your business in front of more eyeballs, instantly gives your store/brand credibility, and makes you stand out above the competition. The best part is – it’s FREE PUBLICITY.
It’s fun too.
You will meet and connect with lots of awesome people.
You cannot rely solely on social media posts to bring new people into your business – that’s like fishing in the same pond over and over, use the press!
This is just one of my tips on how to prepare for a great Holiday sales season this year. If you would like to get more holiday prep advice for your creative business, join me inside my Retailer’s Inner Circle HERE. we cover FULL Holidays planning during our Holiday Bootcamp!
It’s not too early to get planning!
xo Wendy
ps…ohhhh…..be sure to save all the articles and scan them, I lost all my newspaper clippings and wish like heck I had saved them, even just to look back on.
pps..one of my clients, one of her busiest on record (and that’s saying a lot) weekends after being on a local morning show. Everyone came in and said, “I saw you on the morning show..” IT WORKS! Why not make it work for you too?