Due to the electronic nature of our products and the fact that they cannot be “returned,” Front Porch Mercantile Ltd operating as Wendy Batten Paintpreneur and every product it sells has a no refunds policy.
If you are dissatisfied with your purchase for any reason, you will be able to cancel any future payments as long as you cancel at least 48 hours prior to the payment processing date. We cannot guarantee your cancellation request will be processed in time if it occurs within 48 hours of 12:00am Eastern on the billing date. The billing process is automated, but the cancellation process must be handled manually.
There will be no partial (or prorated) refunds on monthly OR annual payments. Cancellations will be effective once the cancellation request has processed. You will be unable to login to the membership area at that time.
If you cancel and then decide to rejoin again at a later time, you will be reinstated at the current rate at the time of purchase, regardless of any special offers or discounts you received in the past.