Brick and Mortar Retail is NOT Dead
Mediocre retail is dead.
Don’t be mediocre.
Did you know only 12-20 % of all sales are made online? Yup. That number is growing but still, 80% of people buy in stores.
Customers still want to see, touch, feel and EXPERIENCE in-store retail.
What they do not want? Big box, cold, uninterested retail.
We are UNIQUELY situated as the type of retail that the big box stores WISH they were.
Customers are more aware now than ever about the impact local has on the economy of their town.
Here’s what shoppers are looking for, and what’s working for savvy shop owners this year:
- They create an experience – customers want to have an experience when they shop. This can be as simple as a beautiful shop, that looks, smells, and feels good, that they feel welcomed in and are treated with kindness and knowledgeable staff.
- Successful shop owners ensure customer success – in all aspects of product knowledge, that they have a successful experience with anything they buy.
- Smart retailers wow and delight their customers – they go that extra %
- They are willing to change and pivot, watch trends and be willing to make changes, they stay aware of their customer’s needs and wants
- They add an online shop or easy access (curbside etc) for their customer’s convenience
- They become the “GO TO” in the area – they create a brand reputation and deliver
- They create allies and believers – building “raving fans” and a community of customers
- They understand “chatter matters” – they can be seen and found, online social media, in searches, and are well known in the community
- They connect, personalize and humanize experiences – sharing your story and that of their customers
- Local shopping has a new awareness, people WANT to support local, they WANT to shop with a conscience – be conscience of their needs as well (hours, policies, service).
Overall, if you sell from a place of service, always make it about your cutomer and and how you can serve them better.
People buy from people they know, like, and trust – but also who they become LOYAL to.
Let them know your business, some behind the scenes, and stop using “retail is dead” as an excuse for low sales.
Are you creating an awesome experience for your customers?
Remember, retail is not dead, mediocre retail is dead.
Mediocracy is defined as being unwilling to change, something, that it is of average quality but you think it should be better.
We are perfectly placed to thrive in retail, let me know if I can help you!
We’ve got this! Wendy
Listen to the Creative Shop Talk podcast for more helpful retail tips!
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