The Nonnegotiable Paycheck and How to Start Paying Yourself | Episode 23

The Nonnegotiable Paycheck and How to Start Paying Yourself | Episode 23

Listen on:  Apple Podcasts |Spotify| Radio Republic | YouTube | PlayerFM | Stitcher | iHeartRadio

As a retailer and business owner, you work really hard. I see you. I’ve been there. But like I did for years and I see so many retailers doing this, you cannot forget to pay yourself. You are in business to make a profit, not hang on and see what’s left in the till.

“If you are not paying yourself a living wage, your business is not profitable.”

You need a steady income from your business. Understanding your inventory, knowing where your money is going and paying yourself a living wage is mind-shifting and business-shifting.

This episode is a little bit of tough love, but it’s going to pay off, literally, if you start writing yourself a regular paycheck, just like your rent check. Let’s dive in.

10 Things to Consider Before You Open a Retail Business | Episode 22

10 Things to Consider Before You Open a Retail Business | Episode 22

Listen on:  Apple Podcasts |Spotify| Radio Republic | Stitcher | iHeartRadio 

Even during pandemic shutdowns I hear from many folks that they love the idea of owning a store.

So you want to open your own store too? Before you dive into this retail business dream, let’s discuss the 10 things to think about before renting the space and signing the contracts.

The retail business is not at all the pretty side of merchandising and styling store windows. 

Go through this checklist first and you can read more here in this blog post, should you open a brick and mortar store now?

Move your biz forward with Hobby to Business Workshop:

I’ve created a SPECIAL WORKSHOP called Hobby to Buisness – you can access this mini course HERE. 


Let’s Continue the Conversation

Join the Retailer’s Inner Circle

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Subscribe to Creative Shop Talk

Here’s what to do next, subscribe to Creative Shop Talk .

I could truly use your help getting my new podcast going and helping retailers find the show. Would you please leave me a review?  Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review. I may pick your review to highlight in an upcoming episode. Ensure you leave your business name, Instagram handle, and location so I can shout out your shop. 


XO Wendy



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