How to Give a Paint Demonstration … And Get More Paint Sales

How to Give a Paint Demonstration … And Get More Paint Sales

Are you doing free demos in your store? Are you looking to get people excited about buying your products? It’s simple, show them how much YOU love it and how exciting your products are! The best way is to learn how to give a paint demonstration…


I grew my business originally with paint demos.

People would come, I would share, they would buy. I now live in a wee small town. Population 2300. I still have free paint demos and regularly have 10-25 show-up and sell a lot of paint after.

If you have a new product in your store, or want to show people just how stinking easy it is to use your paints, or how to prep furniture, or paint kitchen cabinets, or the crazy cool results you can get from using IOD’s, or glazes stenciling, or any other creative product in your shop you want to promote – offer a free demonstration!

Or maybe your sales in one area or with one brand are a little slower than you would like, and you want to want a little push in those sales. Offer a free demo.

But here is what I hear when I mention this to my coaching clients:

“But Wendy, I schedule and do free demos and no one shows up, or no one buys after”

If they are not showing up, you are not marketing properly. Simple as that. Posting it as an event, mentioning a couple of times on social is not enough, you shouldn’t be surprised if no one shows up.

Here are my best tips for how to give a paint demonstration by Wendy Batten, Paintpreneur

How to Build Excitement for the Paint Demonstration

  • Talk about it to customers in store.
  • Send out emails a minimum 1 week out and 1 day out reminding your customers
  • Introduce the product (or build excitement for a new one) long before the demo by talking about it, sharing info, make sure you are using it yourself. 
  • Do a FB live a few times in the week leading up and mention
  • Do a FB live as you are doing the demo
  • LOVE the product – your passion will show
  • List it as an event as many places as you can in your community
  • Share event with any local social posts you can
  • Be smart about the timing of when you offer them, when your ideal client is most likely to drop in 

How to Sell During Your Paint Demonstration

  • LOVE your paint line or product you are showing off, your passion will sell your product
  • Be sure to let them touch and feel and see
  • Be enthusiastic
  • Tell stories and address objections before they come up with great information and again, enthusiasm
  • Ask questions “have any of you tried this before?” And if some have, let them sell it for you, or “what would you use this on” and let them start thinking of where they would use the product.
  • Show them a “secret” technique, simple trick etc 
  • Leave time for questions – best way to sell
  • Mention and encourage your workshops if you have them and gently ask if anyone would like to attend
  • Consider a discount available only after the demo (I usually offer a workshop discount) as they are hooked and want more information.


Here are my best tips for how to give a paint demonstration by Wendy Batten, Paintpreneur

Another objection I hear from my retailers:

“But if I show them for free they won’t come to a workshop”

This is a limiting mindset. Give, give, give. You’ll get.

The more we give, the more sales we make. Build trust and confidence with your customer. There will always be people who will never take the time for a workshop. (Hello, that is ME, yet, I would go to a free demo and buy all your paint once you hook me). It’s the same with our customers.

Remember the purpose of your paint or product demonstration. You are just “introducing” at a demo, and teaching WHAT your product can do and WHY you love it, you are sharing YOUR LOVE AND PASSION for it. You are not showing everything you do in a workshop.

My demos almost always result in workshop bookings after. They definitely result in paint or product sales after.

If you share your passion for your product, and your customers know, like and trust you, they will buy from you. Simple as that.

Here are my best tips for how to give a paint demonstration by Wendy Batten, Paintpreneur

How to Give a Paint Demonstration

If you’re going to do demos… let me help. My best tips are here 👇👇


Have you ever done a free demo?

What are your favourite tips? Leave us a comment and let me know if you do demos or if you try it and how you make out.

I’ve also put together my favourite tips on WHAT to do for your free demo grab my top 10 tips sheet here.

Thanks for popping in!



Ps….if you need tips on how to run a free demo you can grab my top 10 tips sheet here.


Here are my best tips for how to give a paint demonstration by Wendy Batten, Paintpreneur





How to Promote a Workshop/Class/Event for your Local Creative Shop

How to Promote a Workshop/Class/Event for your Local Creative Shop

I hear this all the time when working with my creative shop owners… How do I get people to attend my workshop/paint party/class/event? Why is no one signing up?

It’s truly the retailers dilemma: constantly needing to fill and book out the class .. and yet not always wanting to be “selling”. 


Marketing Strategies for Workshops & Classes

If you have 20-minutes this is a live training I did in my Rockstars Creative Facebook Group answering Jamie’s time-old question: What should I do if I post about my workshop and no one bites?

(It’s probably my most frequently asked question on the marketing side of our paintpreneur business….)

So this is my recap…

1. Ask these questions:

Are you offering the right workshop? Is this workshop for you or for your customers? Sometimes we pick a workshop subject that our customers aren’t interested in. Make sure you are covering something that they want to learn more about. 

Is it being offered at the right time? 

Are you marketing? Plain and simple, if you aren’t putting your services out there, you can’t expect people to show up. Sending one email and posting one time on social media about it is not enough. 

2. Change your way of thinking.

Don’t worry about being salesy and annoying. Come from a place of SERVING your people. Your classes, events and workshops are BENEFICIAL to those who attend. Yes, it could make you money. But it adds to their quality of life.. Share it and don’t be shy! Come from a place of service, not selling.

3. Promotional Tactics for getting ‘Bums in Seats’

  • Constantly be promoting. It is not your customer’s job to find out when your workshops are. It is your job to let the customer know what is going on. 
  • Post pictures of mock ups on social media. Don’t be afraid to show mistakes, people love that. 
  • Regularly post or run an ad on social media about the workshop. 
  • Print out paper fliers to put in shopping bags at check out. 
  • Include testimonials and pictures from previous workshops. 
  • Go live on Facebook and let people know how excited you are. 
  • Do a good old press release in the news paper.
  • Make sure you include information in your regular emails.
  • Use free demos in store during peak hours to promote the upcoming workshop. 
  • During your workshop, talk about the next workshop coming up. 

Remember, If you don’t ask, you won’t get. Don’t be shy about promoting you workshops because you are providing a service to your customers. Make it exciting and fun for them and it won’t feel like selling.

Let’s Dive Deeper into Creating Profitable Workshops

There’s so much more that goes into planning profitable and sold-out workshops and classes. I have gathered and ordered my years of experience planning, hosting and running thousands of workshops into a 3-part training series called: DIY Workshops for Retailers.

This is everything I know about how to plan & run popular, workshops and classes that sell out, get you clients, and earn extra revenue for your shop … this quick on demand course is going to make all the difference in your business’ revenue! It’s all my shortcuts and best practices plus done-for-you templates and costing sheets. Click here to learn more about my Workshop Series.

How to Promote Workshops for your Creative Shop with Wendy Batten How to Sell out Workshops DIY classes and events studio .

Thanks for popping in! If you want to catch next week’s article about creative retail business, make sure you get on my email list here.

If you have any questions about DIY workshops, Please connect with me on Instagram: @frontporchmercantile or Facebook: @WendyBattenPaintpreneur and ask away! I love helping & meeting creative retailers!

Xo, Wendy







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