How to Add Additional Revenue Streams to Your Retail Business | Episode 56

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Episode Summary:

Shop owners are all hoping to create a bit of security within our business, but this year has certainly shown us that we are not always in control.

Having multiple streams of revenue within your business will help you to get that control back! This isn’t about necessarily doing more, but it’s more about thinking outside the box and expanding what we are already doing well.

So let’s “put it through the hopper” together and ask ourselves these four questions:

1.) Does it excite me?
2.) Is it something my customers will purchase?
3.) Will it be profitable?
4.) Does it fit under my brand umbrella?

Taking these steps into consideration when thinking about other revenue streams will hopefully spark a thought process of expansion! Join me in brainstorming the many options there are for adding extra income right now!

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A quote for you to take away…

Additional offers are a really great way to add loyalty and build an incredible fan base for your business” – Wendy Batten



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This podcast is sponsored by my Retailer’s Inner Circle:

If you’re like many creative retailers I know, you’ve gone online for business information or support, but the info you find doesn’t apply to a physical brick-and-mortar store or a creative retail shop. You’re searching for help and answers because you’re heart-centered first, you’re worn out wearing ALL the hats, or maybe your marketing is a little messy.

You love your brick-and-mortar store but you feel it has taken over every aspect of your life!

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Hi there! I'm Wendy Batten, and I'm obsessed with helping independent shop owners like you achieve success.

With over 20 years of experience as a small business owner, I've owned several retail businesses along the way including a cafe, two retail shops, and a studio (and even a tae kwon do studio), learning first-hand the art of juggling all the balls.

I now dedicate my time to coaching hundred of retailers all around the world, sharing my expertise to help them organize their businesses and maximize profits, paychecks, and JOY in their day-to-day lives.

I created the support, programs, and community that I wish I'd had.

Whether you've been in business for years or are just starting out with your brick-and-mortar venture, you've come to the right place.

If you're serious about your business and ready to stop winging it, I'm here to inspire and guide you toward success.

I'm so happy you're here, and I can't wait to support you on your journey to thriving in the world of retail!



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